It is broadly recognised that insight, knowledge and skills in process and management are of vital importance to professionals in the world of architecture, construction and the built environment, especially in today’s circumstances. The Management in the Built Environment track (formerly Real Estate and Housing track) engages with this need by exploring the managerial dimension and the processes involved with ...

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Zie jij graag businesscases werkelijkheid worden? En wil je jouw talent inzetten om natuur- en sociaal inclusieve leefomgevingen te ontwikkelen? Ben je bezig met een Master Management in the Built Environment of een andere relevante opleiding in combinatie met diverse nevenactiviteiten? Dan zijn wij op zoek naar jou! Kijk voor meer informatie op onze vacaturepagina

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BOSS (Building Organisation Student Society) was founded by students in 1993 as the student association for the department of Management in the Built Environment (formerly known as Real Estate and Housing), at Delft University of Technology. The association is a connection between students and education. In addition it serves to facilitate contact with students and practice. Various national and international ...

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  • BOSS Students
  • Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment Cabinet 02.West.610 Juliananalaan 134 2628 BL Delft
  • VORM
  • VORM Holding B.V. Schiehaven 13 3024 EC Rotterdam